Monday, July 11, 2016

Do NOT Stop For A Mob

Back up, turn around, or go through the mob if you have to.  Just don't stop.


Merle said...

Along about then we had a small riot here. One of the nurses where I worked Security was accosted late at night on her way home. She put the big Dodge camper special in 4WD and went up and over the road block. God only knows what they would have done to her, but ......


David aka True Blue Sam said...

We took Dad on a trip to South Dakota with us many years ago. Driving through the Pine Ridge Reservation, we saw a pile of tires next to the road. Dad wondered out loud what the tires were for. I told him it meant you don't drive on this road after dark. I saw the same thing in Eastern Kentucky, and you better have a gun with you if the roadblock is up.