Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Tuesday Torque: Gemmer, Like That Rare Coin...

...you would see in magazine ads that was worth a fortune.  A Gemmer engine recently was sold in an online auction for nearly $80,000. It is in good excellent original condition, with a copper cooling tank and brass fuel tank. It  is a horizontal engine with two 30 inch flywheels, and about 4 horsepower.  I couldn't find a video of one just like it, but this video shows a vertical Gemmer. Go out and look under the junk in the corners of your barn just in case one of these is hiding there! These rare engines were built in Marion, Indiana.

1 comment:

David aka True Blue Sam said...

Bobo the Hobo, close, but edit off the part after the semi-colon and I will post it!