Sunday, April 24, 2022

Working Ahead


80% kraut kit is progressing nicely.

Taters are coming up!

We'll be lighting up again in less than six months.

Back To The Old Grind!


John in Philly said...

It's still early in Philly to be putting things into the ground.
Wednesday night will bring the mid thirties to us, and that means frost risk.

80% kraut kit. Good one. I'm sure the FBOSC (pronounced, F-Bosk) Federal Buruea of Sauerkraut Control will soon be banning home production of sauerkraut.

David aka True Blue Sam said...

Early in 2020, Illinois gov Pritzker blocked the sale of garden seeds as part of the covid lockdown. Seeds on display in stores all had a sign that they were not for sale. We had to order seeds online to garden that year.