Thursday, January 16, 2025

Urban Deer Herd Puts Ours To Shame!

 Our blog friend John in Philly sent some video segments from his urban back yard. His herd of deer puts our little country herd to shame! I bet the nighttime driving is dangerous in John's neighborhood. We limit our driving after sunset ever since hitting a deer a few years ago. Thank You, John, for the video, and your permission! How on earth can you have a garden with this heavy load of hoofed herbivores?


John in Philly said...

You are correct, and you have to be alert when driving.
The road hazards of deer used to be biased more to the just after dawn time, and around dusk.
That is no longer true and they are out there wandering around at all times during the day.
The result of course is a number of deer that are "sleeping" at the edges of the roads.
Philly prohibits electric fencing inside the city limits, and had to use actual deer fencing to raise the four foot chain link around the garden to a total of eight feet.

Hey Booms said...

Can't hardly garden here anymore and it's a rural area (I guess it still is). A lot of deer don't look any bigger than a 70# dog. Last night I had to get out of my truck to chase one that wouldn't leave the road. Wood's rats. Didn't know fox could jump like that.