Saturday, February 1, 2025

Weekend Steam: Steam Donkeys!

 John Dolbeer invented the steam donkey in California in 1881. This was the beginning of mechanization in the logging industry. The first ones dragged logs through the woods, but they were soon used for lifting logs, too. Fifty years ago, forestry teachers were singing the praises of the Dolbeer Donkey, and I bet they still do today. Here are a few videos showing old steam donkeys in operation. Many Thanks to Merle for bringing up this topic!

1 comment:

John in Philly said...

A sky crane and a smoke wrench in the same video.

In the video of the 1905 Washington Iron Works machine, I noticed how close the operator's pants cuff was to the flywheel crankshaft connection.

I would like to know more about the rigging network of cables.

Neat videos!