Most hunters are preoccupied with the upcoming fall deer season when November rolls around. Deer hunting means getting out of bed early, finding your way into the woods in the dark, freezing your feet off, and being alert for other hunters so you don't get shot. Hunting groundhogs in the fall is a much more relaxing exercise in woodsmanship. These shy little creatures like to come out on warm, sunny afternoons in the fall when you are likely to fall asleep sitting in the woods. They are more easily alarmed than the average deer, so you must be quiet and concealed. You must have your rifle sighted in precisely so you can make an instant kill with one shot. If you can't do that, the hog will get away down its hole. Don't use a .22 long rifle.
Put one in the freezer before winter weather arrives or you will be caught short on Groundhog Day. 85 days and counting down!
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