Saturday, October 31, 2009
Weekend Steam
I don't know how many steam shows have two 110 Case engines, but there can't be very many. Last year there were three at Pinckneyville, and they had all of them plowing at the same time. This year they were down to two, which is still pretty remarkable.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Crankin' It Up
Applesauce is the flip side of last week's record. Last Sunday we made apple cider at the neighbors' house just down the road, and we made a pretty big pile of squeezed apple pulp. Mrs. TBS brought home a bucket-full for an experiment. Normally when you make applesauce you core and peel the apples. The pulp had stems, peels, and seeds all mixed in, but she cooked it down and ran it through her Foley Food Mill. She calls it "Apple Slop," but I can't detect any problems with it; it tastes just like applesaucee should taste. Now we wish we had saved all of the pulp. Oh well, we can still have a nice Fox-Trot.
Halloween Weekend Crankin' It Up
This is a re-post of an all-time favorite that we posted last year. This was recorded from the Brunswick with our old microphone, but it still comes through pretty well. Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Trees That Caught My Eye

I am waiting for some smart person to figure out what makes certain trees attract sapsuckers. This yellow-poplar is obviously emitting some signal that birds like. If we could discover how to harness this behavior, maybe we could entice birds to go after forest pests that we don't want, such as bark beetles and unwashed hippy protestors.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
FFA Forestry Contest News

FFA students at last year's state contest appear to be stumped by this quiz tree. Forestry contests are great learning experiences, and lots of fun for the students and instructors. Olney, Illinois' FFA student's went to the 2009 state forestry contest October 10 at Carbondale, and won top honors! Olney has been a good competitor for many years, but this is their first state championship. They will be going to the National FFA Forestry Contest in Indiana October 22 and 23. Congratulations are in order for the team, and for teacher Jamie VanDyke. Great work, everyone, and good luck at the next level!
The Olney FFA team placed 15 out of 39 teams at the national contest, with everyone on the team earing a Silver rating! KUDOS to Olney. They made an excellent showing for a forestry team from corn country.
Reid Two Stroke Oil Field Engine
This beauty was running at Old Theshers this year. Reids are fun to watch, with the charging cylinder running beside the power cylinder. You can hear the atmospherically operated intake valve snorting out a joyful noise for old engine lovers.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Cider Pressing, Continued
This video may be more exciting than you can handle, so sit down and have a drink at hand.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Apple Cider Sunday
We cleaned up our old cider press on Saturday, and added a brace to keep it from getting all cattywampus on us., then hauled it down to the neighbors' house. They had a batch of apples that we ground and squeezed on Sunday. If you buy cider in a store, or at an orchard, it is pasteurized. We have the real stuff, and boy, is it good. We have a bunch more video to process, so TBS visitors can see more of the cider pressing process. Stay tuned.
Down On The Farm,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Not My Victrola
The Cotton Pickers recorded a real winner with the "Rampart Street Blues." BSGS98 added a great slide show to a song that will have you snapping your fingers and dancing around. Miff Moles is on the trombone in this acoustic 1923 recording.
Another Monday Is On The Way!
Back To The Old Grind!
Beautiful All Over Again
Trees Do The Darndest Things
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Weekend Steam
This video is a short string of engines puffing around at Old Threshers this year and in 2008. I started shooting at 640 x 480 when YouTube upgraded, and you can tell the difference beginning with the little Case engine, with the videos shot at 320 x240. The larger format looks much better, but you have to plan ahead for your uploads if you are on a rusty wire out in the country.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Crankin' It Up
"After Every Party" was recorded on March5, 1923 by The Columbians. It's a waltz, so it is a change of pace from the Fox-Trots that we usually post for our Friday selection. We picked this record up at a little antique shop along I-64 just two weeks ago as we returned from Boonville.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Acquire And Fire!

Mom went to the range yesterday to get in some trigger time while the weather is still good. She scanned this target for me to admire. At 25 feet she would cock her pistol, bring it onto the target, and fire. She alternated every few shots between her .22 Single-Six and the .45 Blackhawk. Both of us are pleased with her consistency when she switches to her big gun. Her .22 practice regimen is keeping her from developing a flinch, and she can point and shoot pretty darn well, if I do say so myself.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
As Basic As A Tractor Can Be
This single cylinder 1909 International tractor was obviously meant to do belt work, such as running a threshing machine. It was probably designed to attract buyers away from the steam traction engine market with its simple design. Traction work would have been a stretch for this machine, with one power stroke for every two revolutions of the flywheels. A single cylinder steam engine has two power strokes with each revolution, the same as four cylinder gas engine. An engine such as this one cannot recover its speed quickly when heavy loads are thrust on it, since the power stroke not only has to catch up with the load, but also has to rev up the heavy flywheels again, which are meant to keep the speed somewhat even with the single cylinder design. I think that this engine would have had a real struggle pulling a sawmill, but would have been OK with threshing and corn shelling. I am glad that some of these early oddities have survived, and you have to wonder how the original owners felt about machines like this one after a season or two working them on the farm.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Something For Everyone

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Not My Victrola
"Wasn't It Nice" is a lighthearted song by Aileen Stanley recorded in 1930. Pax41 posted this number, which is getting rave reviews for the accordion accompaniement in the YouTube comments.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Weekend Steam
The Kitten engine was sounding good on the threshing machine at Boonville last week. Mrs. TBS's mother watched this and commented on the accuracy/skill of the bundle pitchers. The bundles should land on the feeder so the grain heads are pointed into the thresher. I have never pitched bundles, but I do know that a hungry thresher will work you to death as you try to unload the wagon and keep a fairly level surface to stand on.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Crankin' It Up
Start the weekend with a snappy Fox-Trot! "Out Of The East" is the flip side of the record we posted last Friday, and it is a peppy one. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
THIS Is A Gas Engine!
I have said for years that the gas engines you collect should be big enough that you are never tempted to pick them up to move them. Gary Bahre of Sparta, Illinois must agree, but I do believe he could throw out his back if he isn't careful when he rolls it over to start it. Gary shows this behemoth at the American Thresherman Show at Pinckneyville, Illinois. The Bessemer used to work in an oil field power house.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I Almost Forgot!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hand Made...In America!
Kids of all ages love these toys. Click the link to go to KestersOldTimeCollectables, or go the link on the left side with the Case Roller Russell portable engine.
Gas Engines and Tractors,
Monday, October 12, 2009
Rain Delay

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Not My Victrola
Pax41 has posted a very nice Edison recording of "Painting the Clouds With Sunshine", from "Gold Diggers of Broadway". Edison records give you an extra minute, and it is always fun to listen to songs you know from regular discs, to see what the artists do with the extra time.
A Quick Boonville Review

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Weekend Steam; Where We Will Be

Friday, October 9, 2009
Crankin' It Up
It rained all day Thursday; it's still raining Thursday night ( I had to record this between thunderstorms.), and rain is forecast for Friday. "Rainy Day Blues" was recorded by Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra on April 23, 1919.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Ooh...That Tingles!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Boonville, Indiana Steam and Gas Engine Show! October 9,10,11, 2009
Don't miss out! One of the nicest little steam and gas shows is next weekend, at Boonville, Indiana.
This show is scheduled for October 14, 15, and 16 in 2011. It is always scheduled for the second full weekend (including Fridays) in October. If you show up on Columbus Day weekend in 2011, you will be disappointed.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mr. Completely's September e-Postal Results!

Class I Pistol: Rimfire, Iron Sights
Tucson Cliff, Ruger Mk II; 69
Merle, Ruger Single Six; 53
Billll, Ruger Mk I; 43
True Blue Sam, Ruger Single Six; 41
Jamesll, Ruger Mk II; 27
Class II Pistol: Rimfire, Optical Sights
Mr. Completely, High Standard, Leupold; 188
Mr. Completely, High Standard, Red Dot; 147
Merle Ruger Mk II, Tasco; 64
Class I Rifle: Rimfire, Iron Sights
True Blue Sam, Marlin 39; 54
Danno Schultz & Larson; 21
Class II Rifle: Rimfire, Optical Sights
True Blue Sam, Winchester 74, Bushnell 2.5; 88
Danno ,Ruger 10-22; 56
Billll ,Remington Nylon 66; 45
Jamesll, Mossberg; 32
Tucson Cliff, Ruger 77/22; 25
Froggy, Browning BL22; 12
The Winchester 74 mostly does 'Possum Duty' around the farm. It belonged to my mother's dad, who is standing next to the Model T in the banner at the top of the page. He used to talk about the unbelievable shots he made on ground squirrels in newly planted corn fields. He used iron sights; I cheated and added a scope for the difficult shots. It still has a good barrel.

Monday, October 5, 2009
"Well...It Used To Be."

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Not My Victrola
This week's Monday Mood Lifter is another selection by Zez Confrey's Orchestra: "Morning Will Come." EdmundusRex posted this 1923 recording on YouTube. This song was one featured by Al Jolson in the 1921 production, "Bombo."
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Weekend Steam: Make Plans For Next Weekend
The fall show at The Antique Steam and Gas Engine Club, Boonville, Indiana is coming up October 9, 10, and 11. Steam engines, gas engines, old tractors, good food, flea market, plus a great bunch of friendly people will be there for your enjoyment. Take the family, and don't forget the camera.
Gas Engines and Tractors,
Friday, October 2, 2009
Crankin' It Up
"I'd Like To See A Little More Of You" is a genuine oldie, recorded in 1907 by Ada Jones and Billy Murray. It is on the Oxford label, which pressed records from 1906 to 1916. It is in pretty good shape, and like many records in our collection, this was the first time I had listened to it.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
One Is Not Enough!
Click On Photo For Link To Firearm Blog Post.
Both of these models are moderately priced, and the only difference I can see in the operation besides the caliber is that the .380 does not have the magazine safety that is part of the .22 pistol. There have been complaints on the internet about the P22 having problems with the slide breaking because it is made of a zinc alloy. Most P22 owners love the little gun and have no problem; Smith and Wesson has been very responsive in making things right with customers who have had problems. The PK380 has a steel slide, so dependability should be a non-issue with the new model.
My limited experience with a P22 showed that the little gun is very dependable, but it does not like cheap, unplated .22 ammo. I never had a bobble as long as it was stoked with Mini-Mags or Velocitors. Takedown for cleaning is easy if you read the directions, and so is the re-assembly. Call your favortite gun shop and load up. You will be well practiced, and well armed!
First Outing

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