FFA students at last year's state contest appear to be stumped by this quiz tree. Forestry contests are great learning experiences, and lots of fun for the students and instructors. Olney, Illinois' FFA student's went to the 2009 state forestry contest October 10 at Carbondale, and won top honors! Olney has been a good competitor for many years, but this is their first state championship. They will be going to the National FFA Forestry Contest in Indiana October 22 and 23. Congratulations are in order for the team, and for teacher Jamie VanDyke. Great work, everyone, and good luck at the next level!
The Olney FFA team placed 15 out of 39 teams at the national contest, with everyone on the team earing a Silver rating! KUDOS to Olney. They made an excellent showing for a forestry team from corn country.
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