When people think about fall colors they automatically mention sugar maple, which can be very dramatic with its yellows and oranges. This tree is a red maple (One of the soft maple species), and it generally does pretty well putting on a show, too. This year red maple began turning well before sugar maple, and they have had very bright yellow and red leaves. They began dropping leaves in earnest over the last weekend, and are nearly bare now.

Baldcypress always turns a nice bronze color that looks dramatic in the evening sun.

Hickory has been good this year, too. The yellow leaves look especially bright on this one because it is on the edge of an opening where it can catch some rays.

I am waiting for some smart person to figure out what makes certain trees attract sapsuckers. This yellow-poplar is obviously emitting some signal that birds like. If we could discover how to harness this behavior, maybe we could entice birds to go after forest pests that we don't want, such as bark beetles and unwashed hippy protestors.
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