Saturday, October 12, 2019

Boonville, Indiana Engine Show

I went over to Boonville today to see the Fall show, and had a good time visiting with engine friends that we haven't seen for a few years.  A visitor from England got to do the honors cranking over the big Buckeye engine.  He was thrilled, but somewhat aghast at "Unguarded" equipment. The sawmill really bothered him.  I have seen a lot of people who joined the Nub Club because of farm equipment, and you do have to wonder why manufacturers were not more concerned about the safety of their customers.  "What happened to your hand, Oly?"  "I lost a finger to the saw blade." "How'd that happen?"  "Yust like dis...Yumpin' Yimminy, Dere Goes Anodder One!"

Anyway, here's the big Buckeye.

1 comment:

John in Philly said...

Nice engine, but I'd like them to find a better place to put the crescent wrench. Leaving it between the rocker arms doesn't seem like a good idea.