Tuesday, September 19, 2023


 Susan is finishing up in the garden for this year. Today she was canning habanero jelly. Gotta pull posts, tomato cages, and pole bean fence next.


Justin_O_Guy said...

Habanero jelly saves time. You don't need a toaster. Just spread the jelly and it toasts your bread as ya go.

John in Philly said...

I see the gloves. Good move. And don't touch your eyes or skin!

David aka True Blue Sam said...

John and Justin: Yes they are dangerous to handle, but in an apricot jelly base something magical happens. Spread cream cheese on a cracker and top it with habanero jelly, and it is enchantingly delicious. Put it out at a gathering and everyone is afraid of it until the first person tries it, then it rapidly disappears!

Justin_O_Guy said...

That does sound good.