Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Toopie Stroke Update

We haven't mentioned Toopie for a while, and we sure don't want people worrying about the little guy.  The top photo is Toopie last summer, after we had him shaped up and adjusted to his new home.
He had a stroke on December 1 that paralyzed him, and we thought he was a goner, but our vet pulled him through, and sent him home to us with some easy exercises to use for physical therapy.  A month after his stroke, he was almost walking.  A month after that he was trotting, and now he can run with the big dogs, although his balance and coordination let him take a tumble once in a while.

Toopie has never seen an Occupational Therapist, and the closest he comes to Occupational Therapy is when we tempt him with treats.  However, we judge that his occupational skill recovery is nearly 100%; quite a bit better than his physical recovery.  To date, he has regained the skills of opening kitchen cabinets, bags of flour, packages of almonds, and cocoa mix, plus jumping onto sofas and into vehicles.  The little guy is a joy.


Guffaw in AZ said...

So good to hear and see! My quadrapeds are gone, now, but I've fond memories. Give him a scratch, and keep him away from the cocoa.

Mrs. True Blue Sam said...
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David aka True Blue Sam said...

We are caging him now when he is left unsupervised. He really caught us by surprise when he started opening cabinets! He is still making progress; the latest is he takes two steps at a time when he goes out of the house for a walk.

strandediniowa said...

Another skill to add to your resume, Sam.

It's always good to see a friend recover.