Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ruger Doubles Down For The Gun Blogger Rendezvous!

Keep an eye on this space and Mr. Completely's Blog for updates, because we do not yet have all the information, but we have news from Ken Jorgensen of Sturm, Ruger, and Company.  Ruger is donating a firearm to the Rendezvous in addition to the .45 Blackhawk that Bea has purchased for the raffle on Saturday, September 10 in Reno.  This is huge, folks!  Go to the Gun Blogger Rendezvous site and register; then make your travel plans!  The Rendezvous is only five weeks away, and you can't win if you don't attend, so sign up for the most fun you will ever have!  Check Mr. Completely regularly as the time draws near, because he will be posting updates about Rendezvous arrangements in the weeks ahead.

Many thanks to Mike Fifer, Ruger's CEO, and to all of the great folks in the Ruger organization for their generosity and great firearms!

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