Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Things I See

The boundaries need touching up regularly as old posts and boundary trees slip away.  I was adding some posts this week and examined this old remnant.  You can see a nail inside the stem that was bent over a barbed wire, but look above that at something out of place.

Somebody drank a cool one and left the empty tucked into a fork; probably about sixty years ago.  No Deposit, No Return, I guess!


Joel (@Stranded Tree) said...

I looked, hoping that you found a bag of gold hidden by leprechauns. Instead you found a rusted empty can of Schlitz (or some such). These are interesting finds nonetheless.

David aka True Blue Sam said...

I knew a man who was a dowser. He said that he could find anything with his dowsing rods on a map; he didn't need to be on the ground. He dowsed the farm on a plat book page and told me that there was a jar of silver money buried in front of the old house, which was gone by then. Another friend who uses a metal detector searched the yard and found diddly-squat. We still joke about the jar of silver money, though.