Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sally's Daylilies (and More!)

Susan and her friend, Sally, have collaborated on their daylilies for years; visiting gardens, sharing plants, and comparing notes. We visited Sally the other day and took a couple hundred pictures. Sally does not have the problem with deer that we currently have, so her flower garden is glorious right now. 

Titan And Bear, Fosters in 2017

 Titan and Bear were joys to have with us. Bear had heartworms, and we kept him through his treatment. Both were happy little dogs. Bear was a cuddler and Titan had boundless energy. Titan went east, and Bear went out to the Rockies. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

How Do You Like Them Apples?

 We planted apple, pear, and plum trees about forty years ago after we moved to the farm, and they are at the end of their lives. The plums and all but one of the apple trees are done for. We still have three good pear trees. Susan is planning to order trees to rebuild our orchard for next spring.  You gotta use your shovels, or they will rust away, you know!

The wood is split, and the hollow sections have been hollowed out a bit more, and an angle is cut on each one. We will have them set up for migrating birds to use on their Fall trip.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Tuesday Torque: Mogul Tractors, 15-30 and 30-60

 What could be easier? If you want to double your horsepower, double your cylinders! That is what IHC did with their Mogul tractors.  The single cylinder is a 15-30, the two cylinder opposed version is a 30-60. Thank You, Merle!