Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sassafras Pushovers

Here are a couple trees that died, just on the edge of the yard and leaning toward the power line that goes around the garden. Rot, and limited room for wedging means that pulling or pushing were the options to use.


Justin_O_Guy said...

Time for Root Beer!

David aka True Blue Sam said...

The aroma from cutting these trees was intense. Susan and I both wanted a root beer when we came in!

Justin_O_Guy said...

I've got those all over the place. A guy came out and saw them and told me the roots make ,ohh, Root beer. It's not carbonated, but it sure made the house smell good. It was interesting and maybe with some tinkering it could have been made good enough to justify the hassle. But if a guy has roots in the air already,, why not take a swing at it?
Imagine watching Dennis the Menace exposed to such intense root beer scent.