Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Cobbler Comin' Up Soon!

 Blackberries from the garden, plums courtesy of Sally, and Lazy Wife Greasy Beans. Those were the third most popular bean in 1907. They also can be used as a shelly bean. 

Yum! That didn't last long.


Anonymous said...

You tell us cobbler comin' up soon, but I don't see the recipe or even a picture of the cobbler! Where's my instant gratification?

John in Philly said...

Our brief attempt at blackberries went aground because of rust problems.
We continued with ever bearing raspberries and have been berry successful. :)
We bumped off our elderly raspberries last fall and the new plants are doing well this year.
The new variety is Himbo Top and we have about 50 linear feet in a single row in an "L" shape.
From hard experience we learned that rhizomes travel, and our success zone is planting them next to a fence.
That way you get some support for the canes, and you mow the escapees as a regular part of lawn care.
Combined with our blueberries, that give us more than enough for our eating and canning needs, and when the new berries get older we will harvest enough for our "Red Gold." That's the nickname for our raspberry pancake and waffle syrup.

I bet the cobbler turns out great.