Thursday, July 31, 2008
Going, Gone
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tree Troubles
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Model Magic
The Boonville, Indiana summer steam and gas engine show was this past weekend, and Susan and I motored over and spent most of the day visiting with exhibitors and taking photos and videos. The highlight of the day was buying some 1920's sheet music for our collection. Dear Wife is great at bargaining and she picked up eight new-to-us songs for $6.00. One of them is a Sophie Tucker song with Sophie's autograph on the cover. Yes, the Red Hot Mama once held it in her hot little hand.

We saw the modeler Jerry Dickson again, and the video above shows some of his treasures. We will post more Boonville highlights in the weeks ahead.
Travel On Gravel
Here is an important skill to have if you drive on gravel as much as we do. Gravel gives you lots of flat tires, usually from old nails that are lurking on the surface. I have found that if I hold my speed under 40 MPH I have fewer flats; over 40, one of the rear tires will take a hit on a weekly basis. That is why I tend to putt along like an old man.
Pull the nail out of the hole with pliers or Vise Grips, use the probe from your plugging kit to make sure the hole is open all the way through. Thread a plug into the applicator tool, push and wiggle the plug into place, pull the applicator out, and air up your tire. You can plug a tire without removing it from the car if you can spot the nail and remove it. You can also plug the tire while it still has air in it, if you notice it getting low as you drive.
Go to a tire shop and have the tire patched properly as soon as possible. Tire plugs are great to get you going again, but they can cause air to go between the layers in your tire, delaminating them. In the slide show above, this tire was worn out, but was needed as a spare until we could get to town for a new pair on the rear axle.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Not My Victrola
You have probably heard Helen Kane perform this song; it is one of her classics. This is a very nice dance band version of the song presented by KSPM01. It will help you get through Monday morning. Be sure to click on the link and read the extensive notes about this record.
Trivia For Ford Fans
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Weekend Steam

Friday, July 25, 2008
Crankin' It Up
This week's Crank Up is a comedy double of Harry Lauder and Billy Murray. Harry is having a grand time before heading home after an evening with his drinking buddies, and though it sounds like a lot of fun I am afraid I would have to think about my head in the morning. Maybe I 'guess and fear' too much. A Wee Deoch And Doris was recorded on October 18, 1911.
Mr. Murray offers some good advice in his Vaudeville presentation, but he has me worried about the poor guy who got his whiskers trapped in the street car cable. Billy recorded this obscure classic on July 15, 1907.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Not My Victrola
'Turn On The Heat' is one of many great songs form the early talkie, 'Sunny Side Up.' FuzzBear posted this version of the song on You Tube, and it is played on his Orthophonic machine. You should look up the movie if you have never seen it. The scene featuring this song is really quite incredible, and the movie is a real 'Upper.'
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
You Can Do Better Than This!

Now, follow the link above, print your target, and show me up! The deadline to enter is midnight on July 28.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Vintage Machinery Surprise

Not My Victrola
Here is a great number for lifting your mood on Monday! Click on the link to read KSPM's extensive notes about this record.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Monday Again!
Back to the old grind!
Poets' Corner
in many places here and
i think that fate
is quite unfair
yon centipede upon
the floor
can boast of tootsies by the score
consider my
distressing fix
my feet are limited
to six
did i a hundred
feet possess
would all that glorious
enable me
to stagger less
when i am
overcome by heat
or if i had
a hundred feet
would i
careering oer the floor
proportionately more
well i suppose
the mind serene
will not tell
destiny its mean
the truly
philosophic mind
will use
such feet as it can find
and follow calmly
fast or slow
the feet it has
where eer they go
From: the lives and times of archy and mehitabel by don marquis, doubleday and doran
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Weekend Workout
The fuel pump lasted for over 110,000 miles this time, but it was getting progressively worse all week, so today I was under the car. Even though I have done this task three times before, I looked up instructions on the internet to see if there were any good tricks to make it easier. Here are the steps from WikiPedia, with my comments in parentheses.
0. make sure gas is almost empty, easy to handle. (Plan ahead so you have the tank below half and it will be fairly easy to handle. We had ours down to a third, and it was no problem.)
(Work outside on a paved surface. Jack up your car on the driver's side and set it securely on jack stands. Have it up high enough that the gas tank can be slid out from under the car. This will be about as high as you can jack the car with a 1 1/2 ton car jack. Plan your moves so you are not under the car until the jack stands are secure. Don't get crushed; Please.)
1. remove gas fill tube, 2 screws at cas cap and 1 bolt at frame. (Loosen the clamp holding the gas fill tube to the tank and slide the clamp out beyond the emergency brake cable.)
2. loosen 2 strap bolts, have floor jack with 1"X 6" board atop it ready under tank to support lowering about 6 inches from ground. (The tank will be very awkward to balance on top of a jack, and you have a big drop at the end of the process with this method. Make two stacks of 2" lumber scraps; one ahead of the center of the tank, and one behind. Shim this stack up close to the tank and unscrew the strap bolts. They are a good three inches long and will set the tank on your stacks of lumber. Lift one end and remove a board; repeat on the other end; etc.)
(Crawl under the car so you can look over the tank next to the driveshaft. There are three lines from the pump with retainers holding them to metal lines. Tap on them to shake out the dirt, and carefully squeeze the nylon catch, then wiggle the flexible line off of the metal line. The nylon retainers should remain on the metal line. One line does not have a separate retainer; just squeeze it and wiggle the lines apart. The first line you open may have pressure, maybe not if the pump leaked back. Be careful not to get fuel in your eyes.)
(The filler pipe has a hose affair which sticks into the tank several inches. Wrestling this out of the tank is the worst part of the job, and also is your best chance to contaminate the tank with dirt. Putting it back in at the end of the job is easy.)
3. remove 2 wire plugs, one may need to be replaced, new one in box with fuel pump. (The wire plugs are in the middle of the top of the tank, so you will remove them after the tank is down.)
4. remove fuel line, 2 have internal clamps, toss and get new ones, two diferent sizes. old will not work. (You already did this and you can re-use the retainers if your were careful.)
5. lift tank off hanger that are towards passenger side, lower with jack. (Ease the tank out, back end first after you have it on the ground. Watch your wiring in case GM was stingy. I had plenty of slack.)
6. pull out from under truck. leave in plastic protection pan.
7. remove pump , screw driver on snap ring, sides straight up. (I think they are trying to move the retaining ring by beating on it with a screwdriver. This does not work well because there is a heavy rubber ring under it that soaks up any impact. Use two sets of Vise-Grips to walk the retainer around. It is easy and less frustrating.)
(Do this job in daylight and do not use a trouble light around an open gas tank. I prefer to use an LED flashlight around anything flammable. Keep smokers away.)
Weekend Steam
Friday, July 18, 2008
Crankin' It Up
We have a special project going on in the True Blue studio. Some of the You Tube fans are clamoring (That may be a slight exaggeration.) for more Harry Lauder records. I found six sides of Harry Lauder tonight, so for the next several weeks we will be posting doubles; a Harry Lauder performance and one of our regular Friday night Crank Ups. Tonight's selections are Roamin' In The Gloamin' and Too Much Mustard, which is a Turkey Trot recorded in 1913. I have no idea how you do the Turkey Trot, but it sounds as if you need happy feet for it to work.
Roamin' In The Gloamin' was recorded in 1911 for 10 inch and 12 inch discs. This one is the four minute 12 inch version which includes an amusing narrative.
Thursday, July 17, 2008

When I got home from work the next day we still had a cat, and it was wearing a cast! Susan related that the vet looked it over and said, " I believe I can fix this cat! The poor thing sure took a tumble." Took a tumble? We had to name her Bug after hearing that. She still likes to sit with her broken leg out; kind of like Chester on Gunsmoke.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Flood News

I clicked on the Mid-Continent Railway Museum link tonight and was saddened to see that this great Wisconsin tourist attraction was devastated by flooding also. Go to their site and click on the Flood Update link to look at photos of the damage; or click here.
They will be up and running soon, and if you plan to visit, there is another pleasant place in the same neighborhood that you will not want to miss.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Strolling The Grounds At The Gas Engine Show
This is the final installment of slides and video from Southern Indiana's Antique and Machinery Club show in June. There are some more shows coming up in Indiana the next two weekends, and if I can catch up on a few chores around home I may go take some more photos. This video runs for seven minutes, so grab a cup of coffee before you hit Play.
Not My Victrola
This number is a great energizer to help you get going on a Monday. Look it up on KSPM01 over at You Tube to read the extensive notes about this record.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Dirty Rotten Blighters
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Weekend Steam

Friday, July 11, 2008
Crankin' It Up
I was away form the True Blue Studio last week while I was on the road, and I couldn't take the old Brunswick with me, so this week I am giving our fans a double. The first one is a great fox trot from the Roaring Twenties. The Isham Jones Rainbo Orchestra really gets wound up on this number.
Our second selection is the ever popular Great War song "There's A Long, Long Trail". This song was recorded by John McCormack in 1917, and it is still meaningful for those away from home today.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Sightseeing Where?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Birthday Range Report
Mom began her birthday celebration by getting certified to use the county shooting range. This required only a brief course to learn the rules of range safety and etiquette. We gathered several types of .22 ammo to try in her new Walther P22 and went out to punch paper. She had some old Federal bulk pack ammo that did not make the action function reliably, and we found that CCI Stingers would sometimes fail to fire; I am guessing the nickel plating makes the case a bit too tough for this little pistol. She also had some old Remington Thunderbolts that worked very well, and we found that CCI Mini Mags and Velocitors never failed. How did the 77 year old Birthday Girl like her pistol? She didn't want to stop shooting! Check out the video; she had a blast!
Decision Time
Monday, July 7, 2008
Let's Look Inside
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Pass It On; Pass It Back!
Dad passed away two years ago, so Mom is living alone now. She has been concerned because the .38 snubbie she keeps handy in her home is difficult for her to operate, and the recoil is a bit much for her arthritic hands. I did some research on line about small semi-autos that might work as a replacement for her .38, then I took her shopping. She looked at several models and settled on a Walther P22. This little gun gets good reviews and is easy for her to operate.

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Weekend Steam

Friday, July 4, 2008
4th of July Parade!
The music is great, but when the cameraman starts to move you should close your eyes if you are prone to motion-sickness. Have a fantastic Fourth!