Saturday, April 3, 2021

Weekend Steam II: Sawmilling With A Case 110 At Pinckneyville

 Great Pick, Merle! This video has some shaky moments, but in a heavy crowd that is expected.  It is worth watching. The belt pops off the Case, and you will see that lumber is stacked next to the edger, which is used at the end of the video. The mill at Pinckneyville sure could use a log turner. You will see the guys turning the log down 90 degrees at the 4:30 mark. That is a good way to give the whole crew hernias. Standard practice is to turn the log up 270 degrees so it doesn't fall off the carriage. Lacking a log turner, you use cant hooks. Big logs can be a challenge, and trying to catch a log coming off the carriage should not be part of the equation.

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