Wednesday, March 23, 2016

It Looks Like A Keeper

Last fall this Ruger 77/44 followed me home from the Benton Rural King store.  They had closeout tags on a bunch of their guns, and this .44 Magnum carbine was one of them.  It was the last one of several that they had stocked and they were letting it go for a used price.  I put a Bushnell 1.75-4X shotgun scope on it and sighted it in with some old handloads.  It seemed to be pretty accurate.

I just loaded up a bunch of Nosler 240 grain JSP bullets with a moderate load of 2400 powder and adjusted the scope for the new loads.  In three shots I was on the 1" square at 50 yards, so I put up a new target and fired three more rounds.  All of them went in the same hole, so I quit right there before I could screw up a good thing.  I foresee many varmints in this little gun's future.  It already has one groundhog under its belt; a head shot at 30 yards, out the kitchen window.


John in Philly said...

Looks very nice.
Sadly, any shooting from our windows in Philly will result in an appearance on the nightly news.
Thus we tend to use traps for the groundhogs.
Still waiting for the trap makers to come up with a deer sized trap.

Merle said...

Yep, that's a keeper!!!
